Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Design CP 8


I want to combine white, pink, and blue in my logo. All of these colors are the major logo colors used by companies that specialize in baby products, along with orange-ish yellow. Pink would represent baby products; blue, safety and consistency; and white, purity and sanitary production processes.  

Friday, February 10, 2012

CP 8

(1) BEBÉ Y MAMA (means 'baby and mom' in spanish -- my products are related to children/babies and the word 'mama' indicates that we manufacture our products as the mothers would for their children)

(2) CARIñO (means 'dear'/'sweetie'/'baby' in spanish -- implies our love and care for children)

(3) CHILDREN'S SAFE (here, 'safe' can mean two things; first, our products are safe to use, and two, our company is like a safe for children - full of wonders, toys, colors, and characters)

*Product name: Puzzle tray

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Design Tutorial 3

I have attached six logos because I thought it was interesting to see how many companies used blue as their main color.

The logo of Johnson's appeared to have the best choice of colors to me. Perhaps the fact that I see it most often might have affected such decision but I think that applying the baby pink as their background color added more youthfulness and softness to their logo. And the blue tone of the cursive gave assurance to the consumers that their products are trustworthy and consistent.

On the other hand, Graco's logo seemed somewhat like that of a supermarket. Although I undertand that many companies like to use blue as their main theme color for blue implies water (which can be interpreted as purity), consistency, and trusting. But using blue only with such simplicity seemed to have a negative effect on a logo for baby products.

My product:
For my product logo, I would like to work with pink, white, and a touch of blue. Pink would emphasize the fact that we focus on working with babies, white would tell the customers of the purity of our products, and blue will help the customers to confide in our consistency.

Swirls Tutorial ((tag:tutAi)

